She's 28 years-old

By Meryem - 19/01/2024 12:00 - United States - Tucson

Today, I was out with my niece at the store. Where we live there aren't many people of color, so it's surprising when you do see someone like that. Anyway, we were shopping and my niece just hysterically screamed, "IT'S A CHOCOLATE MAN EATING CHOCOLATE!" while pointing at a black man eating chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 519
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your post gave me a craving for crackers and vanilla ice cream.

Is she really 28? In that case, I really hope someone has a camera handy when her lack of discretion finally bites her in the ass.


Is she really 28? In that case, I really hope someone has a camera handy when her lack of discretion finally bites her in the ass.

Your post gave me a craving for crackers and vanilla ice cream.