Raised by cats

By Anonymous - 23/12/2021 20:01

Today, my baby will only stop crying if my evil-smelling, bad-tempered, violent, half-feral, half-psychotic cat climbs into her cot to sleep next to her all night, yet when I try to do anything like feed her or change her nappy, she cries like she’s being tortured, I just don’t understand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 949
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you clean up your cat because your baby has formed a bond with it.

Maybe you're baby is evil, foul-smelling, violent, half-feral and half-psychotic? That's the most logical explanation.


Why don't you clean up your cat because your baby has formed a bond with it.

Maybe you're baby is evil, foul-smelling, violent, half-feral and half-psychotic? That's the most logical explanation.

VnD 12

Animals have a pure heart and your baby can sense it, if you can, please clean the poor cat up!

1. Your cat needs a groomer. 2. Warm and furry is a good sensation when you're a baby and everything is new. Maybe get a fuzzy blanket and put it in the dryer to wrap them in when you handle them? Touch can often be important to newborns.