
By Nutellalover - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Germany - Hennef

Today, I realized that I spend the same amount of money on my phone bill as I do on Nutella. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 793
You deserved it 29 422

Top comments

And then you find out you spend as much money on your cable bill as you do on bacon. Then you're all set.


For all the people bringing up bacon... Try Nutella and Bacon Sandwiches. You're welcome.

whydudthathappen 1

This is not an fml. Your life is just plain awesome.

im assuming you either eat a lot of nutella or have a very crappy plan

totheforest84 4

Gross that is a shit ton of nutella even if you have boost.

I fail to see how this is an FML... *wipes Nutella off face*

Hm. I do that too, I think. The exact ammount of money I've spent on either of those in the past month is 0. so.