
By Anonymous - 05/06/2022 04:00

Today, my husband found out the owner of the shop across from our shop is homophobic. Our daughter is bisexual, so he’s started Pride-themed warfare against the shop with flags everywhere. It’s a rather conservative neighbourhood and our customers have deserted us in droves. We may have to close. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 220
You deserved it 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baileybutler04 9

I’m sorry that you and your family have to put up with the constant homophobia. Bless your husband for his support of your daughter. She’ll always remember how he stuck up for her.

Sometimes a hill to die on really means that. Supporting your daughter, visibly, proudly, even at the cost of no longer being able to do business with homophobes - And unfortunately, it appears that far too many of your customers are homophobes - means this is no small sacrifice. But it will be worth it for being on the right side of history, having a clean conscience, and doing right by your daughter, no? Is there any way you can relocate to somewhere less terrible, where people might actually support your stances? Provide your services to people who deserve them.


baileybutler04 9

I’m sorry that you and your family have to put up with the constant homophobia. Bless your husband for his support of your daughter. She’ll always remember how he stuck up for her.

Were you able to damage the other guy's business? Did you score a Pyrrhic victory or just a humiliating self-immolation?

Sometimes a hill to die on really means that. Supporting your daughter, visibly, proudly, even at the cost of no longer being able to do business with homophobes - And unfortunately, it appears that far too many of your customers are homophobes - means this is no small sacrifice. But it will be worth it for being on the right side of history, having a clean conscience, and doing right by your daughter, no? Is there any way you can relocate to somewhere less terrible, where people might actually support your stances? Provide your services to people who deserve them.

And yes, I'm aware being right and noble is cold comfort in the face of losing money to the point of actual financial harm. But think of it this way: What price would it take for you to turn against/abandon your daughter? Does such a price exist? If it actually does, is that number anywhere near the amount of money you earn doing business with all those homophobic customers?

Sounds like the right move is standing behind their kid, not just morally but economically - they can always get the hell out of that town and move somewhere that isn’t full of cotton-headed ninny muggins.

I am fully in favor of LGBTQ rights. But that does not mean it’s a good idea to “start a war” with your neighborhood. Shop owners and customers have a right to their own values as long as they don’t interfere with someone else’s rights. By pasting up tremendous numbers or very large displays it essentially forces your customers to choose if they want to support that cause or not by buying there. You are seeing the results of that. Nobody of reason says you shouldn’t support your daughter - But that’s no reason to start a flag war with your neighbors. Diplomacy is as much what you don’t say as it is what you do say. I am not saying that you don’t support your daughter, I am just saying that there was no need to go overboard with the flags, etc. at your shop. One reasonable sized flag is support, a window covered with them is simply aggressive and forces your customers to decide if they want to support this business and their cause. Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting LGBTQ people to be proud of who they are. The problem is the overdose of flags that forces your potential clients to pick one side or the other when most people don’t want to get into a big discussion. All things equal I would rather do business where I don’t have to worry that the owner or help is going to be more focused on some social or political issue (even if it’s a cause that I agree with) than on providing what I came to buy. Ask yourself if maybe this is the real issue causing your business problems…

wysegirl 24

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Hmm, queer people want to exist and have human rights, while homophobes wanted to use AIDS to commit genocide and still want to jail, bash, and murder queer people. Welp, I guess both sides should just put up with each other! Not like wanting to commit genocide is morally reprehensible or anything, why, that's just an opinion!

Your mistake was in fighting a defensive war. You should have decorated his shop with swastika flags. Just don't get caught buying them.