One day this will all be yours

By diapermommy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 5-year-old daughter saw a pad commercial. She asked me what they were, but I didn't think she was old enough to hear it. I just told her that they're like diapers for mommies. Now she won't stop telling people that mommy wears diapers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 153
You deserved it 47 165

Top comments

That is why you don't dumb things down for kids, it will always come back to bite you in the butt. You should have told her it was a grown up woman thing she will learn about later.

loveurlifeJK 5

That's why you cut the bullshit when it comes to kids. Just tell them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


I agree with most of the other comments. YDI for lying to a kid. That's probably going to confuse her later.

your all ******* idiots. what was she supposed to say? she said the right thing. the kid was 5 years old. it doesn't matter. and no. Kids ARE idiots. if she said it was for adult women the the kid would have said wat? and the mom would have been embarresed and told her to leave. and then the kid would keep asking. just saying its a diper was good enough. the little kid will forget about it in a day or too. dont make suck a ******* big deal about it

Sugar_lipsXo 0

Maybe you were a dumb kid, but children are not dumb.

letitbe56 0

Glassisass, (if you're straight,) you better be more mature about periods once you get a girlfriend, or she won't be your girlfriend for very long.

I think you're the dumb one. Your spelling is worse than my seven year old brother's.

You're an idiot for thinking kids are stupid!!!! I would love to bitch slap you right now for that rediculous comment! If you knew anything about kids you'd know better than to say they're stupid! I hope to god you're never a parent. Go **** yourself ********!!! (this is to the comment about how stupid kids are not the op)

HayItsHaley 0

Why would you say "a diaper for mommies" when other people than mothers wear them. Adolescents, Teens, even women without children. >.< Plus, kids aren't dumb.

HayItsHaley 0

@glassisass Why would the mother be embarrassed about periods?

because it just sounds weird. my mom never told me this stuff. i figured it out my self.... it just sounds weird. once a month i bleed out of my ******. thats where you come from honey :) see that sounds werid...

If your mom had told you you wouldn't find it weird.

sbarre1 0

Yeah you kinda' deserved it. :)

Could of just told her you weren't sure... It's lying, but it's not really that important.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

well it is kinda like a diaper... hahaaa well u couldve just said something like i dont know.

Aoife 0

My mom told me the same thing when I was about 3 years old.