Not a great start

By Durrrrrr - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I went to a "party" with the boy whom I'm interested in. It was the first time I met his friends. Turns out he and all his friends are hardcore Christians who don't drink and are celibate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 714
You deserved it 11 938

Top comments

macfluffers 0

...I'm so confused. You seem disappointed! As if you believe that alcohol and sex are what make a person interesting or something like that. If that's what you wanted, then you should have just bought a ***** and a six-pack.


wesurfeveryday 0

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almostalbino 10

Jesus loves you. I'm not kidding.

Way to make yourself sound like an ass. I wish my boyfriend was that way. Give me the kid's number? adjkfghakdfjh. People these days.

CORRUPT HIM!!!! I used to be hardcore Christian, thanks to an awesome girl I learn how ******* stupid I was and has never been happier =D

linebacker42 0

if you were a Christian believe again, don't let the grace of god leave you

FMLJunki 0

Ha ha me too! I'm happy I got corrupted. OP I feel for u that sucks!

Oh. Completely Understandable. Have fun with Hades:)

126 This is why we don't like you people, all the crazy hate spewing. And you say your religion helps you…

You don't have to be religious to be a good person.. but it also prevents you from the life itself: Sex. Or at least until after marriage, which again is total bullshit, because Religion was not the basis behind marriage. Inheritance was.. but that`s another topic.

almostalbino 10

Try to tell me that marriage wasn't begun by religious people. If you do, you sir are not wise.

He didn't say it was not religious people who started it, he just said it was not the basis, dumbass

babyjohnson3 0

I think that you should base your feelings for him off of his actual personality. If he is, in fact, a "hard core" Christian, I see your problem. That should be the issue, not that he won't drink or have sex. Freaking brainwashed religious people... learn to think for yourselves.

While I'm not a religious person, I certainly don't believe that religious people are brainwashed. Just because they don't think the way that you do doesn't make them an idiot.

christopherlove 0

Show me one decent person who is celibate and in a nice, healthy relationship.

warhorse57 0

I'm available, that's if my wife says its ok...FML

fylindeed22 0

I could say YDI, but I'm not exactly sure what you deserved. If a person's personal beliefs really make you want to say "f my life," maybe you should rethink the ways in which you get to know people so you can nip problems like this in the bud. Just a thought.

Gs_brother 0

you are shallow if all you want is partying, being abstinent is way different from celibate and being alcohol free is a good thing usually. you dont need sex and substance to have fun or enjoy each other.