Not a great start

By Durrrrrr - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I went to a "party" with the boy whom I'm interested in. It was the first time I met his friends. Turns out he and all his friends are hardcore Christians who don't drink and are celibate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 714
You deserved it 11 938

Top comments

macfluffers 0

...I'm so confused. You seem disappointed! As if you believe that alcohol and sex are what make a person interesting or something like that. If that's what you wanted, then you should have just bought a ***** and a six-pack.


YoItsHannah 0

sooo??? he's a Christian...they're is nothing wrong with that?!

rebel47 1

you are a shallow fcking bitch!!!just go to a ***** house and apply there and you'll get what you need.

haha I liked how you put party in quotations

what a pussy bible pushers are close minded *****!

o man your whole life goes out the window when you can't drink, not, i'm Christian and am non alchoholic, but I hang around with people who drink and have an amazing time

YoItsHannah 0

they're is nothing wrong with being a christain!