Not a great start

By Durrrrrr - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I went to a "party" with the boy whom I'm interested in. It was the first time I met his friends. Turns out he and all his friends are hardcore Christians who don't drink and are celibate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 714
You deserved it 11 938

Top comments

macfluffers 0

...I'm so confused. You seem disappointed! As if you believe that alcohol and sex are what make a person interesting or something like that. If that's what you wanted, then you should have just bought a ***** and a six-pack.


Maybe you should give the guy a chance. I'm what people would consider "hardcore" Christian. I'm 18 and I go to one of the biggest party schools in my entire state, yet I've never had a drop of alcohol in my life and I'm still a virgin. Yet my friends always complain about me getting all the girls. So just because he doesn't follow the path of other teenagers doesn't mean he give you a happy relationship.

Well you clearly aren't quite getting the girls…

Christians aren't lame because they're Christians - non-Christians can be JUST as lame... Depends on the person.

Same here 99. OP, life isn't all about alcohol and sex.

He's probably not celibate, otherwise he probably wouldn't be hanging out with women. He's probably just planning on giving his virginity to his wife, which, as far as I'm concerned, is the way to go.

everything, the whole morality and the corruptness of the church. the bible preeches love etc. but it is all based on that humans are nice beings, which were not so the entire system gets milked out for money.

Sleepy_Alchemist 0

There is nothing wrong with being a Christian.