
By disgusting - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I walked past a girl in the cafeteria and she threw up. Naturally, a crowd was drawn. Her friend asked her what was wrong. She pointed at me and said, "Get him away from me!" I'd never met this girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 186
You deserved it 2 785

Top comments

vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

How many more people are going to have to throw up before you learn to eat your lunch in the bathroom?

alwaysalady 0

When I was pregnant with my son I puked on my boss.


vfscx0aw6o7jshl 0

How many more people are going to have to throw up before you learn to eat your lunch in the bathroom?

AfroMike 0

this one seems fake. not sure why, but i dont believe this actually happened.

I am warning u to never say that FMLs aren't real I got kicked of for saying that.

Lichinamo 33

**** HER life? I say **** the OP's life. The vomiter clearly threw up for no reason and just wanted to blame someone. That someone happened to be the OP.

What if OP just smelled horrible? That could be a possibility. Go shower, OP.

I'm not sure whether or not to believe this...are you are you so...striking in appearance that you cause someone to vomit?

maybe she was allergic to something to do with you like if you recently ate peanutbutter or something

J0K3R13 9

could be body spray you had on or perfune

flyingdjs 0

never have i ever heard of someone throwing up from the sight of someone... that sucks so hard.

alwaysalady 0

When I was pregnant with my son I puked on my boss.

Haha that sucks...I doubt you actually caused her to throw up though :P. She was probably just trying to be funny, or as others have said, cover up her embarrassment.

LOL. I'd do that just to see the look on someone's face if throwing up didn't suck so much.

If this is true it is very sad you should post yourself on a site and charge money at least then you can get rich cause even a rich circus freak gets layed

31- somebody has to say it, what the **** are you talking about?!?