My pleasure, mom!

By FortuneFaded - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - South Africa

Today, it's my mother's birthday so I took her out to lunch. On the way there, we had a car accident. It was my fault. For my mother's birthday I gave her 3 broken ribs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 972
You deserved it 19 247

Top comments

2 black eyes and a partridge in a pear tree

Shit happens. I know you didn't mean it, but life doesn't always play out beautifully. I know you feel guilty as hell right now, and really, that's the only punishment you need. You two should be grateful that you're both alive. Good luck, man.


If the accident was your fault, then YDI. Learn to drive.

surferdude15 0

yummy sounds like a good birthday....were they BBQed ribs....delicious!

Don't be too hard on yourself. Unless you were texting or doing something stupid and unsafe, accidents happen all the time for varied reasons. Glad everyone is relatively ok.

alexgisforme3 0

OMG #31 thats what i was gonna say haha. i feel so bad for your mom. hope all is well

Thats why they call them accidents, Not "on purposes" It wasnt necissarly your fault

god DAMN it i was gona say #4. apparently a 12 days of christmas joke isnt all that original. #63 they're accidents for lack of a better word. there are faults in accidents. if you decide to blow a red light and u get in a crash, its still an accident (and still your fault) even tho u blew the light on purpose.

haha i know i was trying to make the person feel just slightly better