Let it lie

By Anonymous - 16/11/2021 14:00

Today, I was so happy to be divorced from my asshole husband, I threw my ring off the bridge near the park where we met. As I was walking away, a diver surfaced, yelled, “I think you dropped this, miss” and threw the ring back at me. I can't catch a break today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 669
You deserved it 1 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

You did catch a break. Sell that thing and use the money for something good. Buy something you’ve needed for awhile, or if you’re financially comfortable, treat yourself to a spa day or small trip. If you’re totally well off where a few grand (or a few hundred? Idk what resold rings are worth) is essentially meaningless for you, donate the money to charity or someone who needs it. It’ll make you feel good to do something good, and also give you a weird closure like “at least something good came out of this marriage.” Cheers! 😄


Marcella1016 31

You did catch a break. Sell that thing and use the money for something good. Buy something you’ve needed for awhile, or if you’re financially comfortable, treat yourself to a spa day or small trip. If you’re totally well off where a few grand (or a few hundred? Idk what resold rings are worth) is essentially meaningless for you, donate the money to charity or someone who needs it. It’ll make you feel good to do something good, and also give you a weird closure like “at least something good came out of this marriage.” Cheers! 😄

Tell him, "You are wrong" and throw it back at him.

george1986 7
phybreawptic 13

That was a rash and dumb thing to do. You can pawn that thing and get some money out of it instead of just throwing it out.