Lesson learned

By gymnasticscoach - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a kid I coach on a regular basis was talking to me about what I did outside of work. After we were done with the conversation, she told me with a straight face that I needed to get a life and get a boyfriend. She's 10. And she's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 393
You deserved it 10 082

Top comments

Damn, your a gymnastics coach and you can't get a boy friend. You must really be doing something wrong. I'm a programmer and I don't have a girlfriend. At least I have an excuse!

As if having a boyfriend makes you a better person or something... tell the kid she'll understand when she's older. That'll piss her off!


Bet she got that from Hannah Montana. You dont necessarily have to have a boyfriend in order to be happy

jessiegirl 0

A kid talking to an adult like that needs the taste slapped out of her mouth.

If your not enjoying life by yourself then adding another person to the mix isn't going to solve a thing. Only cause other problems. You have to be happy with yourself before you can even think about letting someone else into your life. When your there then that special person will probably find you.

Little brat, make her run laps for being a smart-ass.

hahaha #15, thats what my basketball coach would've done. XD But, OP, this is a sign you should get a move on it.

Boys are trouble....and dont moan to 10 year olds....after all, what do they know?

Really?....you are a gymnastics coach and you can not get a boyfriend. O_o I did not know that was possible....I do not mean to sound mean but....Really?

loopy_fml 0

I was told that by a kid once too. And they were also right.