Know your place

By slingerslasher - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - New York

Today, I was using the short urinal when I heard someone say, "Ahem!" in a loud voice. I looked back to see an angry little kid. He made me switch urinals so he could use the short one. I got urinal-evicted by a little boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 597
You deserved it 7 379

Top comments

Well I mean, was it meant for children...?

Why were you using it if it was the kid urinal ??


Well to be fair...some kids can be really intimidating... I don't blame you

Lol all these girls thinking it was kids urinal. In most public restrooms those don't exist, there are short and tall urinals

...which I'm sure are meant for children. lol

handicap people actually, notice that the shorter ones have pull/grab bars on either side.

when you grow a penis, then you can have input here. :)

Because he didn't want the tip to touch the water.

That's not a urinal for short people or children; it's for guys with long peckers.

How spineless can you be? Tell the entitled little ******** to **** off, it's not exactly difficult.

Thats adorable!... In a strange sort of way.. lol :)

lol this kid is my hero xD i'd never have had the courage to call out an adult xD