Kenny Loggins is penning a song

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my manager came into the dog grooming salon I work at, lecturing about the importance of staying out of a dog's "bite zone". Right then, the dog I was working on bit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 961
You deserved it 4 488

Top comments

melonrind 8
leogirl95 12

I think they did find the bite zone.


#28: People are thumbing him down because he said how OP didn't find the bite zone when he obviously did because the dog bit him. And I'm sure there's more than that reason...

In Sovjet-Russia, you mean. If you make jokes on Russia, you better do it right

40- I wasn't complaining, just pointing something out.

letsgopens58 4

My mom owns a groom shop. She has been grooming for 12 years. I'm am a dog groomer in her shop. I have been grooming since I was 10 and I'm 15 now. I get bitten, puked on, peed on, pooped on, scratched open, had scabs and toenails and all kinds of crap on me. It's part of the job. If you can't handle it then quit. I love my job.

"Does your dog bite?" "No." "*gets bit* I thought you said your dog didn't bite!!" "..That's not my dog." Came to mind when I read this. XD

voice one: Have you heard about BOB, SAM, and LISA? voice two: No, who are BOB, SAM, and LISA? "Hey boss, can we PLEASE shut the 'music' off?"

KiddNYC1O 20

Now were down thumbing you secretme00 cause he does not have a good point.

Guys, I think 1 thought that the "bite zone" was a zone where you CAN'T get bitten. Simple mistake. No need for all the thumbs.