Kenny Loggins is penning a song

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my manager came into the dog grooming salon I work at, lecturing about the importance of staying out of a dog's "bite zone". Right then, the dog I was working on bit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 961
You deserved it 4 488

Top comments

melonrind 8
leogirl95 12

I think they did find the bite zone.


uprising_fml 0

dogs can be fast and unpredictable, so I imagine it is sometimes hard to stay out of their 'bite zone' . sorry op.

The dog was probably just annoyed by your grooming. Remember, up, down, side, side!

SecretMe00 5

Idk why people are thumbing you down #1... I think you made a good point.

FortuneCookie3 1

That was the managers dog, and she has trained it to bite someone when she says bite zone..

mcrluverchick 9

Sorry man, that bites:/ literally

Sounds like Petsmart! They lecture people at my work all the time about that. It's ridiculous.

If they could figure that out, they probably wouldn't need live human groomers anymore. That would make them happy.