Jack Frost

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went outside to scrape the inch and a half of ice off my car so I could get to work. After half an hour of intense scraping, I realized that it wasn't my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 366
You deserved it 29 191

Top comments

on the bright side, think how much you must have helped the owner of that car :]

wow, how could you not notice within, like, the first ten minutes?


At least you made someone else happy, I bet they were so glad they didn't have to do their car.

This is false. Whenever the temperatures were thirty and under in Florida a few weeks ago, and even on Tuesday, there was ice on my car's windshield. I love people acting like Florida is hot year-round, because it isn't. And the last time I checked, people over here in the panhandle have been bitching and moaning for roughly two months now because god forbid it gets below sixty degrees.

lmao! Right? There was ice on the windshield shield like two days in a row. It's kinda cold, but it's way better than the normal temperature. Though I doubt it's been this cold in years =P. Winter has lasted a lot longer this year, can't wait to get back to the beach (;

that's not an fml that's a fis **** I'm stupid

That's from a TV commercial! =P Haha funny regardless though =]

drea193 0
iloveTheMiz 0
FlagGirl2010 0

Just think of it as an inadvertent good deed. =)

biggecko 4

His car was completely covered in ice so he could not see color ,brand etc.