
By back to cock-hunting - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Burnaby

Today, on our second date, the unemployed guy I'm seeing tried to convince me to open a joint bank account in our name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 800
You deserved it 5 165

Top comments

Gunguy 11

Seems like a good financial move to me.

You guys might as well get married.. think of the tax benefits.


jeanyrios 10

and you agreed to a SECOND date... because? ????

because he asked her on the second date, he might be a really nice guy outside of wanting to use op's money for himself

I really want to feel for you, but your name makes that hard to do.

Complaining he asked to open a join account, yet knowing he is unemployed yet you still gave him a 2nd date? You two deserve each other. [I have no sympathy for those who date losers. NONE.]

Are you seriously that dumb? They went on their second date while he asked to open a joint account, still on that second date. How would OP know he'd ask and potentially harm her currency? Just because someone is temporarily unemployed does not mean they are losers.

skyeyez9 24

He is a leech, leave as fast as you can!