
By back to cock-hunting - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Canada - Burnaby

Today, on our second date, the unemployed guy I'm seeing tried to convince me to open a joint bank account in our name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 800
You deserved it 5 165

Top comments

Gunguy 11

Seems like a good financial move to me.

You guys might as well get married.. think of the tax benefits.


My ex at least waited until we moved in together. He used me for 3 years! I tried dumping him after 1 and kicked him off of my account, but he came back and made me put him back on- he stood next to me and had me in tears while I called the bank. I didn't find out until I kicked him out for good that he was also hitting my son. And when he left he stole all he could.

He's the prince of Nigeria, so he just needs a Canadian account to transfer over the royal fortune.

RUN, GIRL, RUN. He'll clean you dry in no time. You're not his romantic interest - you're his meal ticket.