Go to jail, donut pass go

By Golden~ - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that the school principal takes all the money from the school fund raisers to buy herself donuts. I'd donated over $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 957
You deserved it 5 476

Top comments

I always wondered why schools say they need more money -_-


I'm pretty sure she's not allowed to do that....

holymolybro 0
griffindragon97 3
sunflower21 0

the same my situation before .

Are you sure you didnt donut $100? haha punny...

sure she does. you all know how rumors start when your in school. let me guess your friends sisters friend heard about it. does she also buy cigerattes with it too? your so stupid

How can you eat that many donuts?! Generally schools get a few hundred from each fundraiser, a few fundraisers a year... surely it can't ALL be spent on donuts for one person. There would be much staleness and puking.

Haleyz_a_BOSS 0

She must be a real fatass if she uses all that money to buy food instead of something like an iPhone or something :P Report her lard ass.