Go to jail, donut pass go

By Golden~ - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that the school principal takes all the money from the school fund raisers to buy herself donuts. I'd donated over $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 957
You deserved it 5 476

Top comments

I always wondered why schools say they need more money -_-


smump 0

What a bitch principal! Also 69 YDIs.

heyimjennyFML 5

i moderated this! you should get your money back.

I feel like this is fake...I mean donuts cost around $1 each. over 100 donuts for one person?

100 dollars?!?! omg!! u got robbed!!..... no seriously, that's not much. get over it. and ur just mad cuz u didn't get any. and how would u find out where the money went?

stoptrying 9

Or maybe they're mad because they donated $100 to the fatty society when they may not have the money to waste like that? Being tight on cash and donating to something important is different, but I suppose with your obvious lack of common sense you won't understand that.

you are ridiculous, anyone who advertises charity etc. and is pocketing the money deserves to be outed for it, its one of the lowest acts I can think of. I think I actually think less of people who do that than people who straight up rob you, because at least robbers and thieves arent lying about what they're doing. The point is that you donate if you think its for charity or a good cause, so if it isnt, you're quite angry

I guess that gives you a reason to stop Doughnuting to her fundraisers. Tee hee. Couldn't help myself.