Gimme the drugs

By Richmond24 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. My mom didn't get my prescription for painkillers because she thought I'd get addicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 558
You deserved it 3 829

Top comments

you're funny but you see the thing is my mom is a health nut so there are no tylenol, advil, or any of that stuff in my house, but your right I MUST BE THE B1TCH FOR SHARING INFORMATION, you're right im a B1tch and your awesome for hiding behind a keyboard. YOU SIR ARE MY HERO.


omg I just got mine taken out today nd it killlssss iono how ur doing it. :/

:[ I have yet to get my wisdom teeth pulled out but I'd rather break a bone in my body than have needles in my mouth, stitches in my mouth or basically any pain in my mouth. You have my sympathy, hope you get better and fast.

JokeMeister 0

If you are under 18, that's child abuse! Mom filled the Rx, she kept them for herself!

sorry bout that OP, your mom sounds like a bitch.

BelaLugosisdead 0

Ok, that sucks. If you've had wisdom teeth out before and had to wait for pain med prescriptions to be filled...yeahhhh.

i can relate for my apendix my mom wouldnt let them use pain killer i cant tell u how much it hurt.

the moral of this story: parents suck.