Gimme the drugs

By Richmond24 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. My mom didn't get my prescription for painkillers because she thought I'd get addicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 558
You deserved it 3 829

Top comments

you're funny but you see the thing is my mom is a health nut so there are no tylenol, advil, or any of that stuff in my house, but your right I MUST BE THE B1TCH FOR SHARING INFORMATION, you're right im a B1tch and your awesome for hiding behind a keyboard. YOU SIR ARE MY HERO.


FYL for having a moron for a mother. I know a guy whose mom did something similar. She let him take the painkillers for like a day or two, then she took them away because she was afraid he'd get addicted. It was awful, and I can't imagine you're handling it any better than he did. :/

camsham86 0

Get over it! Take 3 tylenol and 2 ib profen, it's the same strength as a narcotic.

MoJoThundRpants 0

I still got mine and they hurt like hell

You know, I didn't notice until now that you live in Canada. Get yourself some codeine!

mattrules44 0

i'd preffer russian, but you dont see me complaining, bitch

first of all to whoever said oxycontin was closer to heroin than percocet.. lol. they both contain Oxycodone as the active ingredient.. only difference is percocet comes with APAP and oxycontin contains only the narcotic and fillers/binders and a time release coating which you can scrape right off. go to the store get Tylenol #1 it's OTC in Canada (8mg of Codeine) which isn't really strong. it takes 30mg of codeine to equal 5mg hydrocodone (active ingredient in Vicodin). Plus codeine sucks balls and has a ceiling effect at around 325mg (meaning you could keep eatin more mg but to no avail.)

that blows I got mine out yesterday and you need them bad

skyeyez9 24

My husband didnt take me to get my percocet prescription right after I had corrective eye surgery (prk). And I wasn't authorized to get it prefilled before the surgery cause its a controlled substance. As soon as the numbing eye drops wore off, I was in excruciating pain and he said "It can't hurt that bad" and don't need them. He had the same procedure done a few mos later and whined and cried about the pain (while on percocet) for three days. I just told him "quit crying, it dont hurt that bad."

jojoboo1 0

sounds like these might have been bony impacted wisdom teeth if he had scraping and such. those are a different animal than tissue impacted. :( fyl op