Gimme the drugs

By Richmond24 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. My mom didn't get my prescription for painkillers because she thought I'd get addicted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 558
You deserved it 3 829

Top comments

you're funny but you see the thing is my mom is a health nut so there are no tylenol, advil, or any of that stuff in my house, but your right I MUST BE THE B1TCH FOR SHARING INFORMATION, you're right im a B1tch and your awesome for hiding behind a keyboard. YOU SIR ARE MY HERO.


Hammie702 0

dude they even let you get painkillers in bootcamp when they take out your wisdom teeth. your mom is f-ing RETARDED!!

It's not the worst thing. I just got mine out a week ago. Sleep, ice packs, and more sleep. I ended up using less than half of my prescription. yeah, yeah, yeah, I know its not the same because I did have a few of the pills. But It's not the worst thing. I got my tonsils out a few years back, I couldn't take any pills because it hurt to swallow. Now let me tell you, THAT sucks.

karamella_fml 0

can just get over the counter stuff like extra strength Tylenol.

Jsalcedo23 0

yeah its more like FYL for NOT being Canadian.

princess69_fml 0

haha my mom did the saaaame thing when j got mine pulled!!!

Any reason for the name calling? Sheesh, I didn't think I was on a forum containing grade-schoolers.

VolleyballSMASH 1

That is a true FML. yeewoch. My sister got her wisdom teeth out. It was bad. All I can say is your probably old enough to drive to Target and stock up on ibprofen.

VolleyballSMASH 1

Wow? I could understand it either... To make you bitch commentors happy... Poster of Comment, Would you please clarify what you mean by the second half? I am confused as to the syringe and saltwater part. It makes little sense. First response wasn't even bitchy. just a short way of writing it. Grammar Nazi Man, FAIL. Grammar Nazi's correct grammar. Not sucky wording. That's why they're called GRAMMAR Nazi's.

imsoprettylyk 0

you better go fill that shit omg uur gunna be in sooo much pain