
By MuteNToot - 26/02/2015 21:17

Today, my friend was confiding all her problems to me over Skype. I pressed the mute button so I could let out a fart, forgetting I'd already muted it earlier. I broke several minutes of my own silence with a devastating wet one. Now she won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 969
You deserved it 14 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A true friend wouldn't mind a little flatulence

Tessa_11 19

Why did you have it muted before that anyway??


the fact you had already muted them shows how "wonderful" of a friend u are. then again how did she not know you weren't talking she mist talk a lot.

nialls_girl 13

Well true friends don't really care especially if they don't have to smell it. Just let her know what happened. FYL.

so yeah you probably deserved it and it was funny. you probably gave shitty advice.. it's a pun..

I moderated this! I feel so proud that it made it through... almost as if it were my child crossing the finish line.

lozano_28 3

why was it muted in the first place? but i mean the friendship obviously wasn't strong enough to handle some farting ..

good old shrek has the answer, better out than in. I would not let one out in public, but in the 'comfort' of my own home, i loke being comfortable

LAUREN_1053 19

You took "actions speak louder than words" to a whole new level

cheshireau 26

She isn't talking to you because you farted? That really isn't a big deal.

You have truly made me smile today! Thankyou!!