Gas giant

By DrGas - 04/09/2009 04:30 - United States

Today, while giving a lecture about gasses to a large chemistry class, I went outside to let loose an unusually loud fart while they took some notes. I came back in only to see 300 students dying of laughter. I had left the wireless mic on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 395
You deserved it 47 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can see something like this actually happening, and it's fantastic. I only wish I could've been one of your students. What a story.


drayloon 50

gas laws, huh? law: dont leave ur mic on when passing gas

YeahCourse 4

Well, now they know where natural gas comes from..

ScarredFlame 17

nice to see their sense of humor at least. farts are funny