Gamers gonna gamer

By incels - 07/06/2021 02:01

Today, I put up my profile pic in Call of Duty: Mobile for the first time and got more than 50 friend requests and some very offensive messages from creepy guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 919
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

most likely it's a female gamer

That's why I don't post pics of myself online. Especially in a toxic setting. As a gamer, I know my place to not reveal myself in a gaming community. Definitely not in a COD setting. Most FPS gamers are toxic (I'm mostly a single-play gamer). Practice going incognito.


That's why I don't post pics of myself online. Especially in a toxic setting. As a gamer, I know my place to not reveal myself in a gaming community. Definitely not in a COD setting. Most FPS gamers are toxic (I'm mostly a single-play gamer). Practice going incognito.

animosity129 2

People suck. I apologize for my gender

phybreawptic 13

This type of martyrdom is extremely pathetic. Sack up, son, you didn't do anything.

Jon Tessler 14

yep, I agree with Gender has some really shitty people in it. especially on the gamer front. one of the reasons I don't play online games anymore, people take it way to seriously. sorry you have to deal with the dregs of the male species.

I don't understand, what on earth is going on in your profile pic?

Boyufd 24

most likely it's a female gamer

phybreawptic 13

You must be a great looking guy then.

I highly suggest changing your profile pic for one of a bear. Whether the guy or the animal, it will fend off the creeps.

I'm a guy and I usually never post my real-world pics online, ESPECIALLY not in a mobile game. The internet is just too vast and unknowable to know who's out there or where the pic could end up. The fact that it's COD is just the cherry on top, they're not exactly known for their courtesy and code of chivalry. I'd just go with an avatar that you like and can somehow identify with. And yeah, apologies on behalf of men, there's still quite a ways to go :/