
By MLeguillon - 01/09/2014 04:34 - United States - Imperial

Today, after years of wonderful flying experiences, I boarded a flight and took my seat only to find a baby sitting in front of me, behind me, and to the right of me, and across the aisle from me. All of whom decided to cry in unison. It was a 9-hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 616
You deserved it 4 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#1 edited his/her comment. It was "well at least you got over your fear!" Just so i don't seem dumb with my comment..


I'd rather them cry in unison then not. because hopefully they all stop around the same time. as opposed to them each tracing turns to cry.

Ah yes, one time I sat across from SEXTUPLETS on a trans-Atlantic flight, and they never stopped screaming.

Aaaaand that would've been my cue to turn around and march straight to the nearest rental car facility. Because driving a car along the ocean floor sounds way more survivable.

Epikatz 22

Your years spent becoming a seasoned flyer should have taught you that quality earphones are an important addition to one's travel kit. And if not, well, now you know.

some flights have pads and if they didnt your just cheap i guess

Ugh I can't stand kids on airplanes. They're either crying hysterically, screaming in distress, or running around unsupervised. If that happened to me, I'd probably be crying along with them. Ironic but whatever.

This is why I bring earplugs with me on commercial flights.