Fair-weather friend

By clothesthief - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia - Ivanhoe

Today, I finally had nice enough weather to dry my clothes on the washing line. Two hours later, all my clothes were stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 350
You deserved it 4 018


"Why spend money at the store when they have perfectly good clothes just hanging about for free?" For real that sucks though

You should have watched your clothes ??

That sucks, next time sit with a book outside

Not everyone has that sort of free time, unfortunately.

well . u have 2 put them in a safe place next time :/

Hiimhaileypotter 52

One would think that their own yard would be safe enough.

Makes me wonder if the thief stole all the undies, bras, and socks as well. What kind of thief steals somebody else's unmentionables?

Were dryers invented because people would always steal clothes on a clothes line?

I'm guessing someone on the run from the law took your clothes. How do I know this? Saw it on TV, so must be real.

Those damn thieves. Hope you get your clothes back !