Fair-weather friend

By clothesthief - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia - Ivanhoe

Today, I finally had nice enough weather to dry my clothes on the washing line. Two hours later, all my clothes were stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 350
You deserved it 4 018


I find it sad that I knew straight away without checking that this was in Australia. Maybe it was the way it was written or maybe because we've had such sucky weather here I knew the feeling. Plus clothes theft seems to be so common here. Weird

what a goober. there's a reason people don't do that anymore.

Buy a washer and dryer...Wow...What century do you live in?

Wow, I can't believe the number of people saying OP deserves this for not using a washer/dryer. Have you people priced those things? Each piece is at least $400 give or take, plus it takes water and electricity to run them, which is another expense. Dryers also make your house very hot in the summer, so using a clothesline makes more sense from both a practical and economical standpoint depending on the weather. OP did not deserve to have his/her clothes stolen just because he/she doesn't own, or chose not to use, an expensive appliance. And Laundromats are overrated considering they charge a fee and never get your clothes just the way you want them.

Wow. Get you're mind right. Where do you live? There are things that most people feel are essential. Washing and drying clothes is one of them. You need to live in the real world and stop living in this hippie fantasy. This isn't the middle of Africa or another third world country. You need to get with modern technology. You are a disappointment.

I live in a small apartment, no way I'll ever be able to fit a dryer in here. We do have one dryer that we can use, but sometimes there just isn't enough time to dry all your clothes (we can only use it three hours at a time). Also, nothing beat the smell of clothes dried outside and it's a lot better for the enviroment! But you are right, drying clothes is essential, but isn't clothes dried outside dry? Also, my parents dryer broke seven years ago, and they never bought a new one, cause they didn't need it. We're from Denmark, not a third world country, but a country that cares about the environment

Damn you should just buy a used dryer then

As much as I think about saving energy and all that good stuff, always use dryer

Put another set out there for them and tumble it in fiber glass. The itchy dude stole your clothes.