Eat those feelings away

By Aubrey - 09/12/2022 15:00

Today, I ripped my second pair of jeans within a month. I know I have gained weight… or I can see the gain of fat cells. I'm desperate for change, but I have no clue what to do! I’ve tried it all! I'm a teacher and I can't afford a personal trainer. Believe me, I went through all the embarrassment of opening up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 786
You deserved it 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since OP has specifically asked about help for weight loss - I suggest WW or Weight Watchers. Long ago I lost a lot of weight that way. My wife tends to go up and down in weight and the only thing that ever worked for her is WW/ Weight Watchers. It’s not free, but it’s reasonably priced and you don’t have to buy special food or anything like that. You can eat basically anything, but certain foods use up more points so you learn to reduce or control high point foods… By the way there is a balance - calories consumed verses calories burned. Exercise increases the calories burned. Diet tends to reduce the calories consumed with the compensation of leaning more on healthy foods that are more satisfying for the calories that you consume. Some people find working on one side or the other of the equation easier or more rewarding. Most of us have to work on both sides of the calorie equation… OP, believe me I emphasize. Weight control can be a difficult thing. We have to eat so we have to constantly face the temptation of overeating. That was something I took away from Weight Watchers long, long ago. I wish I could say I was trim and healthy myself, but I won’t be hypocritical. I face the struggle too.

Buy bigger jeans and become body-positive. Accepting yourself as a fattie is a lot cheaper and easier than all of the diets, drugs, gyms, trainers, etc. in an often losing fight to attain a lower weight.


Buy bigger jeans and become body-positive. Accepting yourself as a fattie is a lot cheaper and easier than all of the diets, drugs, gyms, trainers, etc. in an often losing fight to attain a lower weight.

vinvin2210 15

been in the same situation.. just go for a jog.. initially 20 min everyday, increasing it to 45min a day after a month

Only works if calories are below what you're burning. Exercise while continuing to eat more than you burn just ends with a stronger, more aerobically fit fat person

RiseBySin 2

Why are you making this difficult? It's completely simple: eat healthier (not necessarily less......healthier) and exercise more. There are thousands of youtube/insta channels devoted to this. Cut out pop, reduce sugar intake in all forms, cook and eat real food instead of processed food or eating out, start walking instead of driving everywhere. Unless you're one of the 0.3% (stat from New England Journal of Medicine) of obese people that has a hormonal imbalance or some other medical condition, there's 0 reason you can't lose weight.

Since OP has specifically asked about help for weight loss - I suggest WW or Weight Watchers. Long ago I lost a lot of weight that way. My wife tends to go up and down in weight and the only thing that ever worked for her is WW/ Weight Watchers. It’s not free, but it’s reasonably priced and you don’t have to buy special food or anything like that. You can eat basically anything, but certain foods use up more points so you learn to reduce or control high point foods… By the way there is a balance - calories consumed verses calories burned. Exercise increases the calories burned. Diet tends to reduce the calories consumed with the compensation of leaning more on healthy foods that are more satisfying for the calories that you consume. Some people find working on one side or the other of the equation easier or more rewarding. Most of us have to work on both sides of the calorie equation… OP, believe me I emphasize. Weight control can be a difficult thing. We have to eat so we have to constantly face the temptation of overeating. That was something I took away from Weight Watchers long, long ago. I wish I could say I was trim and healthy myself, but I won’t be hypocritical. I face the struggle too.

WW is good as long as you stick with it. I've reached goal several times and have kept off the weight for at most 2 years. I eventually lose interest and then all hell breaks loose.

Start with doing small changes. Maybe next time go down the stairs instead of lift. Eat an apple or any other fruit veg when thinking of hunger. Drink glass of water before eating just to make sure you're hungry and not bored. It's the little steps to change your lifestyle. It took me years personally to find my lifestyle and the body followed. I started by taking a bus one stop from house, or went for longer shopping trip, groceries. Good luck, you're already on a correct path, asking questions. For me worked fitness classes that were interesting and not aimed at losing weight. Such as trampoline, kabgoo boots or aerial yoga. Something silly and fun instead of restrictive and constant.

1st, I would go to a dr and make sure the gain isn't related to a medical issue. if it's not related to something else and you just need to care for yourself better, this is the easiest way I have found to do it. intermittent fasting + reduced refined carbs. you want to be eating protein, fruits, and vegetables. focus on just not eating during the fasting period and focus on eating a delicious protein filled veg & fruit type meal after. Plain Greek yogurt is your friend and a good way to break the fast with some fruit / honey thrown in. chicken, steak, fish all great.

look up ddp yoga. it's a life change not a fad or diet. I lost 30lbs in 2 months and have kept it off since 2017. also look up Arthur's story on youtube. it's inspiring. he lost hundreds of lbs and he couldnt walk before he did ddp a well balanced diet, eat at least 3+ times a day. don't starve yourself.

1. Get new clothes. Stop waiting to 'be thin'--just get some damn clothes for yourself, because you deserve to have good clothing. 2. Go ask your doctor why you're having sudden weight gain, and unless you've ACTUALLY started eating a pie a day, don't let them babble on about 'lifestyle'. Get real tests and demand real answers, because no, it is NOT normal to just suddenly have massive weight gain. Seriously, you have a medical condition. Go get it figured out. And get good clothes, IN YOUR SIZE, so you can feel comfortable while you get it sorted. You deserve good things.

My husband and I invested in a Tonal, and we both lost a lot of weight using that. It's essentially a personal trainer, but it's in your own home and online (some classes are live, most aren't), so you can do it at your convenience. It is pricey, especially the item and installation, but that's a one-time fee. Then there's a reasonable monthly fee to use it as much as you want. :)

Diets. Do. Not. Work. Slow and steady lifestyle changes do. Work your way towards healthier meals rather than just eating less. Instead of working out until you make yourself sick, do mini exercise and work out bouts throughout the day.