Dumpster diving

By rummaging - 18/05/2016 13:46 - United States - Bloomington

Today, my boyfriend found the box of photos I've been saving for my daughter. He was convinced I was pining over her father and emptied the box into the dumpster behind our apartment. I'm still not done digging through the garbage to find the photos from the day my daughter was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 899
You deserved it 1 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I would leave a partner that irrational!

Total disrespect for someone's property and boundaries is a classic sign of abuse, and combined with rabid jealousy, this doesn't bode well.


Jillene 8

Run, run now and fast. This is the beginning of a huge mistake. You have a daughter and she does not need him as a male role model. His behavior is NOT normal.

GrapeJuice67 17

Those pictures weren't for him, they were for your daughter. Do you have the negatives, if they're old school photos? If not, man....He seriously isn't ready for a relationship

Before she leaves him how was the box labeled

if he doesn't trust you, that's not a good relationship

corky1992 33

Your boyfriend is a royal douche bag.

redlizzybeth 25

For you and your daughter, I am so sorry you had to go through that. As everyone else is stating, it seems that he has some serious issues he needs to work through. It would really benefit you to consider reevaluating this relationship and setting some boundaries. I had something similar to this happen with my son's baby photos (his dad was in a lot of them with me - looking happy). During his visitation, I let him come to my house because it was easier and I didn't know he brought his girlfriend with him. She took all of the photos. When I came home (24 hours later), she wouldn't admit what she had done. I had to call the police and the cop looked in her back seat and saw a bag. He asked her to open it and she refused - so he called and got a warrant for burglary, due to the value of the photo frames (over 50$ where I lived) and forced her to open it. Inside was every one of our photos with he and I. Quite a few of them were broken but luckily they weren't badly damaged. She was given a ticket and never allowed near my child again. They broke up because I went to the police and filed a restraining order immediately. He is now married and his wife and I get along and exchange photos all the time.

zeffra13 31

I'm curious how your ex didn't notice she took the photos? Like she left with a big bag she didn't come in with, or was much less full at least.

brandonc8892 13

Dump his sorry ass. Dump his sorry ass right now!

Omg...I'm so sorry to hear that! I honestly would've cried >_

Lol oops, most of my comment got deleted. I was saying I hope he helped you find them. He should know that just because you and your daughter's father aren't together anymore, it doesn't mean your daughter shouldn't know about her life with her father. That's up to your daughter. Hope you found all the photos!

That's sadly a good sign that you should be leaving him. If he can't trust you then it can't work

I hope you dumped him. He obviously isn't mature or secure enough to realize that he's not the only man that's been in your life.