Dating apps suck

By probablydeadbymidnight - 01/07/2012 22:57 - United States

Today, I exchanged pictures with a guy I met online, whose devotion to his family really impressed me. In his picture, he was wearing clown makeup, holding a huge knife to his throat with one hand, and an ICP album in the other. All this with a psychopathic grin on his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 390
You deserved it 7 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, his "family" is all the other idiot juggalos. Just be glad you've never met him in person, block his email address, and move the hell on.

the_smart_way 10

Why don't I read fmls properly... Sorry people, I will accept my failure and leave now :(


Ok OP, I read your entire post and I still can't find anything to indicate a FML. Juggalos are just like everyone else, there are good ones and there are bad ones. While I agree this was probably not the best first picture he could have sent you, maybe you should be less judgemental.

Briiyahh 7

Never share personal info such as your face online

Says the girl who has a fml pic of her face

94- But compare the number of creepers on Myspace and Match and Facebook and everything to FML. Most people are just here to make fun of shitty commenters.

Briiyahh 7

But I'm not chatting on a date website am I dumbass?

unknown_user5566 26

169- Who said OP was chatting on a date website? There are plenty of social networking sites that have a chat and/or message function (including FML). Also, your original statement was quite vague; you stated you should not share your photo "online". Therefore your statement includes you, since you do have a photo posted on your FML account.

I don't understand why you mentioned the family thing. You don't need an excuse to share photos with someone.

Lionesse 15

Maybe he is IT in secret and likes to eat little children.. Ugh. Those clown movies really scared the shit out of me....

JuggaloForLif3 0

Nothing better than some wicked clown love!!