Damn algorithm

By a survivor - 31/03/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, no matter what I do, Facebook won't stop showing me pitbulls on my feed. I've been nearly killed by one a dozen times in completely unprovoked attacks, even ones owned by perfectly good people, so it triggers a panic response whenever I see one. Take your ugly murder beasts somewhere else, for fuck's sake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 420
You deserved it 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I question the dozens of nearly dying. Yes I believe you could have been attacked once and it is very traumatizing. How many hospital trips did you make? 24? 36? those are dozens. Anyone I k ow who has been traumatized usually doesn't have it happen a 2nd time.

Report the ads. If it doesn't stop, stay off FB for a while.


Report the ads. If it doesn't stop, stay off FB for a while.

I question the dozens of nearly dying. Yes I believe you could have been attacked once and it is very traumatizing. How many hospital trips did you make? 24? 36? those are dozens. Anyone I k ow who has been traumatized usually doesn't have it happen a 2nd time.

OP said dozen, not dozens. If you want to question someone’s accuracy, you should do it accurately.

Smooth dude. Way to attack the victim here.

jlc82 9

speaks to your character....animals know shit human when they meet them

Most animals don't know jack. They just know your body language. They don't even know that they just interpret it and obviously get it wrong most of the time. With animals that survival of the fittest so the ones that spook easy are the ones that live. On the opposite side of that you'll also have the brave ones living a bit longer in some situations but they tend to have shorter lives.

tiptoppc 19

I’m guessing you think cops can tell who guilty of a crime by looking at the person too?

most pibbs are super friendly. if you've been attacked more than once you were probably somewhere you shouldnt have been

Yeah like at his friend's house? Maybe walking down the street. He shouldn't have been there! The problem is most people think that their dogs would never attack anyone I refuse to take responsibility when they bolt out of the house. They're more concerned with telling people that they won't get bit then they are with controlling their animals. You can't blame someone for not knowing how to act around animals that they don't live with.

TitsMcgee 5

hate to say this but most dog attacks are rarely totally unprovoked. dogs usually give some signals to back off

Signs that are often missed by people who aren't used to being around dogs.

TitsMcgee 5

Well if you can't read the signs, and if they trigger a panic attack OP shouldn't be around dogs at all. There aren't many situations where you are unable to distance yourself unless you work up close with dogs daily. If that is their case they need to make a change because each attack puts OP and the dogs at risk.

I think there's information you've omitted from your story. If you've been attacked by twelve different pitbulls, each one apparently "unprovoked", either you're the unluckiest son of a bitch on the planet or there's a bit more provoking than you're letting on.

There's nothing good on Facebook anyway. All you do is scroll and look at stupid stuff hours on end. What a waste of time.

cliffie18 3

Talk about some other topic while phone is in ear shot. Like constantly talk about golf or some other topic consistently and it should change

cliffie18 3

Talk about some other topic while phone is in ear shot. Like constantly talk about golf or some other topic consistently and it should change