Cute but clumsy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided to be romantic and literally sweep me off my feet… directly into a door frame. Now my face is bruised, and the police officer at my school has asked me if I need to make a report about anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 950
You deserved it 2 494

Top comments

lexi_cacao 0

He had good intentions. I think it's cute


awww, well at least he tried to be romantic unlike guys these day cant do anything

Your boyfriend sounds like one cool cat ;)

Mine did. I think at my old high school we had around six. Even my middle school had three.

Mine had one, but she was only there on Fridays.

Many schools have cops... but I haven't met a school cop yet that wasn't there because (s)he was the force's bootlicker.

I wish our country was as safe as the US. We don't have policemen in school. Oh wait... I think I got that wrong.

aww i can see this in a romantic comedy. i wish my bf would try to do something that cute. but knowing my luck the same thing would happen

Erindub 0

Just be glad someone is actually looking out for ya. I know its embarassing though. Last time I was at the doctor I had a HUGE bruise on my leg and the doctor kept asking me if everything at home was okay...I live alone. Yes I have a boyfriend but the bruise was from work. She wouldn't believe me.

wow **** the states. canada is so much better. ******* police in schools. ******* americans are paranoid about everything. ******* *******.

It's not paranoia. We need them. Schools are ******* violent here.

I lived in Canada for a bit. There was a police officer at the school. Shush now, please.

DragonitePaladin 6

Tell your grand-kids that someday lol ahahahha XD great story lol. Not really a FML story but a funny one at it ;D

catastrophicsock 0

Its not really too much of an FML. It sucks, but its something to laugh at in the end. At least he tried (: