
By mylifeeee - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in art class, we finally did the critique of the self portraits we've been working on for a month. We critiqued a few and got to mine. Everyone was silent then finally, one girl says "I'm just going to be blunt. It doesn't look like you. You're not that pretty." Everyone nodded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 566
You deserved it 5 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is so horrible. I swear people don't have filters anymore. Nobody knows how to keep their mouths shut.

You should have told her to go **** herself. and that she should have drawn a **** in her mouth to accurately portray herself. -A


justme8977 0

Hey at least you can draw, I bet youre pretty, she was just one of those girls who hates on other girls huh ?

justme8977 0

42- a spatula?? Hahaha that was great

FOBpeteyisgay 0

At least you can draw well..

lololol111 0

ydi. i'm guessing you were supposed to draw what you actually look like, not what you want to look like.

nyuukou 0

A lot of people agreed with Hitler. Does that make him right?

peroxideprincess 0

wow...that's not called criticism...i agree with #20 she made it personal. OP...self portraits are supposed to be how you see yourself and how you feel about doesn't have to look like you because it's how you interpret what you look like. the girl was prolly just jealous...

IPityTheFool 0

hmmm someone forgot about the moustache and goatee XD

CynicalBast 0

I usually go for the unibrow.

well...if you're an optimist...she really just said that you're a great artist.