
By mylifeeee - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in art class, we finally did the critique of the self portraits we've been working on for a month. We critiqued a few and got to mine. Everyone was silent then finally, one girl says "I'm just going to be blunt. It doesn't look like you. You're not that pretty." Everyone nodded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 566
You deserved it 5 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is so horrible. I swear people don't have filters anymore. Nobody knows how to keep their mouths shut.

You should have told her to go **** herself. and that she should have drawn a **** in her mouth to accurately portray herself. -A


haygurlhay 0

Well... at least she thought the painting was pretty?

alwaysalady 0

you should draw a picture of her incorporating all of the ideas listed above, wrap it up real pretty, and leave it on her desk.

#36 she may have been honest, but just because everyone agrees with her doesn't mean she's right. She's not a bitch for being honest, she's a bitch for putting it the way she did, and going too far with it.

I know girls who say stuff like this. She'll be sucking dick for a living and contracting STI's.

AmS13 0

bitch .. i would have been like oh really? because yours looks like chubaka (sp?).. and it DOES look like you

TheOrpheus 0

your sure she wasn't trying to be funny?

Um...I hate to sound insensitive, but as an artist, you're going to have to learn to handle that. I get told my self portraits are too pretty all the time, and I bounce back in a moment. Unless you feel that you've already drawn the portrait fairly plain or accurate, there's not really a good reason to get upset. If you're quite serious about your art, you'll know that being pretty has absolutely nothing to do with it. I measure my worth has an artist by how good my DRAWINGS look, not how pretty my face is. Although seriously, that was THE worst way to phrase it. Not constructive at all. I hate non-constructive criticism. She couldn't skipped the "you're not that pretty" part and gone straight onto the "actually constructive criticism" part.

But it is also said that you are allowed to "flatter" the subject. I think it's good that OP was kind to herself and drew herself in a good way.

there's nothing to say to that. all you can do is point out to her that bitchiness doesn't equate to artistic talent and there are about 20 less obnoxious ways to say what she thought.