
By mylifeeee - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in art class, we finally did the critique of the self portraits we've been working on for a month. We critiqued a few and got to mine. Everyone was silent then finally, one girl says "I'm just going to be blunt. It doesn't look like you. You're not that pretty." Everyone nodded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 566
You deserved it 5 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is so horrible. I swear people don't have filters anymore. Nobody knows how to keep their mouths shut.

You should have told her to go **** herself. and that she should have drawn a **** in her mouth to accurately portray herself. -A


# 13. You made my day. I must say that to the bitch in my art set when we next do self portraits.

OMGyoupeople 0

i like #13. but yah that is not constructive criticism. she is jealous of your talent!

savesam 0

Re: #35 Yeah, but models for art classes go into it knowing what they're getting into. I remember once working with another model and the class was doing distortions. The prof was like "Model A is naturally tall and thin, so you may want to distort her by making her taller and thinner. Thebootyfaerie... um...." I was like "Dude, it's okay. I'm short and my legs are stubby. If I wasn't okay with it, would I be naked in front of 30 people right now?"

littlec_fml 0

That means your art kicks ass

Uhm. You do realise that that's a pretty normal response, right? A LOT of people make themselves too pretty. I only started doing good art -- wherein the artwork was stunning, not the "pretty" image which represented me -- when I did my first self portrait which lasted a while. It looks like me. It's big nosed and round headed and fat cheeked. It's also gorgeous.

JrbHighroller 0

I an #69 nice besides tht This is bs I would have waited till it was this bitches turn and said "wait a minute I didn't know we could draw self improvement pictures I thought I looked good in mine but your face has never looked tht nice"

Arinwyn 0

To everyone hating on the girl who said that, I'd like to point out that everyone nodded. But before you jump my case, yes, that was particularly cruel and not constructive at all. #13 made my day. OP, self-portraits are supposed to be how you perceive yourself, so you obviously have good self-image. Also, you must be pretty good at drawing (: ignore all the haters and gl.