By Bad Parent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I received a visit from a social worker. My son told his teacher I was starving him, all because I refused to let him eat pizza and ice cream for breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 788
You deserved it 4 552

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haha your son is a little ****** :)

fat kids gonna hate, hope things all get fixed and he learns his lesson.


You know, I'm normally not a huge fan of slapping a child, but there are exceptions...But now I'm thinking about it, and your son would probably tell his teacher that you are a child molester, so it's not a very good idea. Other punishments will do. No tv, no computer, no Playstation, no sweets, no cola, no mobile phone, no going out...

SteelCladAngel 0

there are adults who consider raking those unnecessary privileges away to be abuse how ******* stupid is that? 'what Johnny? you broke Susies nose and cut her braids off? no xbox, phone, fun with friends for a month!!' *child complains* social worker says 'it's abuse' ******* morons

lol reading that list of restrictions makes me feel old. Punishment for me was "Go to your room" and that covered everything said.

If we send kids nowadays just to their rooms, they could spend their punishment on the internet, watching ****. Times have changed, bro.

no going out? but then he'll say she locked him up

whenever my mother sent me to my room, i would have to work to hide my glee. i always had well stocked bookshelves and i would read for hours and hours.

kittydriftwood 0

lol. Give me one case where a social worker filed a report of 'abuse' because a child had their xbox taken away. You're the moron.

there was actually a story on the news where they tried to get a parent for abuse because they wouldn't let them leave the house (except for school) when they were grounded and the parents took everything away. needless to say, it didn't stick in court. think before you speak, moron.

ReynshineCutting 10

Haha 41 I was the same way. No tv? Fine. I gots books sukerz! I don't think you should slap your kid, but a spanking can do wonders.

If I didn't listen, I got my ass beat... and I turned out just fine. Kids are treating like babies now-a-days. I'm only 21 and I can say that... crazy.

SteelCladAngel 0

haha 41 I was the exact same way.

Congrats 64, you missed the entire point...

JasonEP 3

not when I was a kid. if I was told to go to my room and my parents walked and saw me watching tv or playing video games ida got an ass whooping.

wow your a bit crazy but at least you have a gas mask if shit goes wrong

lol I agree with everything u sed but the last 1... if anything kids need to go out more... I woulda kept him out forever lol

mintcar 9

Cheese pizza and some cookie dough ice-cream sounds amazing actually.

I'm afraid your son sounds like a spoiled brat. Well done keeping him off the pizza breakfast but you might need to go a little further I feel.

Pizza, has whole grain wheat! Ice Cream, has Milk! You refuse, this! what's wrong with you?

Shame on you, refusing a child ice cream and pizza, children have a right to be fat.

listen to him. when he gets fat, jokes on him

My brother used to say he would call social services on my mom when she spanked him. Her response was always the same "bring me the phone I'll dial for you. When they find out what you did they'll wonder why I didn't spank you sooner". He never actually brought the phone lol.

kc1997kc 9

lol!! My uncle told my cousin that once!

When he gets to college, he can do this all he wants.

she should tell him this so he won't be a lazy ass in school and will have incentive to got to college ^_^

LinTurk 4

Meanwhile there's a child locked in a closet somewhere actually starving and you won't see a social worker in sight.

it's not a perfect system, I am a social worker, ultimately investigations relies on neighbors and teachers for information regarding investigation and apprehension.

sxe_beast 11

As a social worker what do you do in these situations? I'll rephrase that: What do you do when there are good parents who have bratty kids?

enonymous 8

International Child Swap. send him to Somalia for a semester and bring one of the kids Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt forgot to adopt over here.

He gives the kids ice cream and pizza. duh... or else, he's abusing him

guestxxx 0

When a social worker sees a good parent and a bratty child, the social worker apologizes and tells the mother how they have to investigate every case because they never know until they investigate, even if there have been multiple calls to a house that come up with nothing each time. I only know because I grew up with nosy neighbors who constantly called CPS on us all the time just because we were bratty/noisy kids.

So does he get pizza and ice-cream for breakfast now?