Cliché for real

By fuckinghicks - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while going on a jog through the countryside, I discovered that it is actually possible outside of crappy TV shows to have a rifle leveled at you, and to be shouted at to, "Get off my land." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 325
You deserved it 17 716

Same thing different taste

By stressedartist - 09/09/2016 12:43 - United States

Today, I ran over Oprah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 499
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Ol' Man Jenkins is not pleased with all these whippersnappers on his lawn.

you don't deserve a gun being pointed at you but you shouldn't run on someone's private property either


raphael1123 13

If you're not from the United States, or from the urbanized parts of the U.S. where guns are tightly regulated like Mass., NY, or NJ, welcome to the rest of America. O.o In places where the quickest police response is 20-30 minutes or more, people tend to be a little more self-sufficient when it comes to protecting their person and their property.

U_GotitDude 18

Stay off of his property then

YDI... I would've done the same if I seen a stranger running across my land. And btw your user name is very disrespectful.

sgtcxelite 11

I swear if you didn't make some kind of Walking Dead joke I will reach through this screen and punch you in the face.

Typically those are either moonshiners or meth heads. Or something illegal.

Or farmers who don't want people on their private property?? Which is more likely?

The_F3rris 11

Welcome to the country! My house is the same way, guns at the ready. Lots of weirdos try to rip off your house out in the country where no one will see or catch them. If you lived in the middle of nowhere youd understand.