Bunch of cons

By sauce - 24/09/2010 06:33 - United States

Today, after months of looking, my fiancé and I finally signed a lease. We are using my savings to pay for it. This apparently poses a "moral dilemma" for my in-laws, who think we should wait to be married. I'm paying for an apartment I'm not allowed to live in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 593
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow ur stupid! why aren't you living there?!? kick him out, you move in, problem solved. quit being a doormat

BoyFromTheFuture 0

Op didn't say anything about religion. he said "moral dilemma". Unless you believe that religious people are the only ones with morals and therefore moral dilemmas. cover up, your prejudice is showing.


Flutist 3

People need to stop being dramatic. Jesus (if the in-laws are trying to go the biblical route) hung out with prostitutes and said not to judge. If Op has already had sex with her fiance (which she most likely has) then there is nothing worse that can happen with them moving in together. If Op was moving in with her drug addicted, murdering, cheating, lying, stealing pimp it would be one thing. Moving in with your normal, law abiding boyfriend and having people tell you it is a BIG HUGE MORAL ISSUE is ridiculous. There are people selling kids into slavery or murdering their wives and these in-laws have a problem with two people sleeping in the same bed together? Wow, people need to wake up and smell the oil spill, there are bigger fish to fry.

Mabster84 2

Oh ma gawd, another "moral" argument... Listen OP 3/4 the people who talk about sex before marriage and how "vile" it is, are usually just trying to rattle your cage. Your in-laws have not dictated how your relationship has gone so far right? The whole, meeting, dating, proposal was basically between the two of you correct? If your soon-to-be spouse agrees with your in-laws then perhaps you're not as close to your spouse as you may have previously believed. If the two of you disagree with the in-laws then by all means it's your relationship, obviously you're over 18 if you're to be married and signed a lease, take matters in your own hands and move the **** in together. Quite frankly, it would be better to know your spouse and how their daily habits are before you get married and find out you're incompatible to live together. A lot of new married couples find this to be a problem when they haven't A) had sex before marriage B) moved in together. A lot of people will also say "how can you be incompatible in bed?" well it's very simple... Either it's not what the two of you expected it to be and are both unwilling to try something different, or the physical *erm* expectations aren't fulfilled one way or another. Same thing with moving in. You're old enough to be set in your ways in how you live, and if the two of you have different beliefs of how the other person is to take care of things around the house, and are unwilling to change or compromise, it's a dead relationship. It's your choice, OP.. Oh and if you decide to pay for an apartment you're not living in for the two of you, and he/she refuses to put anything into it since they're not living with you or they're living there and expecting you to foot the bill then that should show you what kind of person they are anyway and YDI.. If you're both still confused and will wait until marriage then FYL

krystylm 0

dude, youre an adult, you do what you want!

if you guys are old enough to get married, you're old enough to ignore the inlaws, you two are adults, you're old enough to make your own decisions and if it doesn't bug you guys then it's not their business.

if your engaged any neway why does it even matter you paid for it they can't say shit. tell them to take their moral dilemma and shove it because it's exactly that THEIR moral dilemma not yours.

wtm318 2

you're grown. don't let other people tell you how to live your life. **** em

Is it your life or your inlaws' life? good luck living up to their expectations if you give in now.