Brain fart

By Anonymous - 27/01/2010 18:09 - United States

Today, the speakers on my laptop weren't working. I worried I'd broken something, and started freaking out. I restarted my computer numerous times and played with the settings for an hour before calling my sister in to help. She looked at it for two seconds, then unplugged my headphones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 115
You deserved it 41 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cronatoes 0

congrats, your now a certified tard.

xosKsxo 0

ahhh lmfao sorry that one made me laugh


LMAO!!! That was said and a HUGE EPIC FAIL!!!

agree with #78, and LOL this so sounds like somthing i would do...

jeterman67 0

are u freakn serious!!!!!!????? lol FAIL!!!!!

myang12 0

Oh My Gosh, this is hilarious! I do the same thing at times!!

I've done the same thing soo many times lmao.

what the **** you mean to tell me that you couldn't figure out that your headfones were plugged in haha lmao ha dat makes me laugh!:}

You should not be allowed to have a laptop