Baby you can drive my car

By yeah - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Eugene

Today, I got in trouble for missing my shift. According to my idiot boss, "Crashes don't just happen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 402
You deserved it 2 003

Top comments

Wreck his car. When he asks, say the exact same thing.

Explain "chaos theory" to your boss. BOOM.


I think he needs a crash course in the real world. Start with his car. Work up from there.

"Don't just happen" And an education doesn't "just happen" either. He's ignorant.

You clearly did it on purpose. Who *wouldn't* want to spend hundreds, even thousands, fixing their car if it meant missing one whole shift? Shame on you.

T-bone him, and say crashes don't just happen

Well they dont lol jk sucks to be u i guess

Searches for new jobs don't just happen either. You probably have to start that soon.

MsMurphy8613 12

Lol, um I've got job security partially because crashes do in fact "just happen" regularly.

well mabey the boss should have the accident and not u