Ass man

By blaaargh - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Seymour

Today, my dad uttered the words, "You gotta admit, your mother's got one hell of an ass." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 564
You deserved it 2 312

Top comments

Then, with a deranged look, you replied, "Bro, don't get me started on how comfortable and spacious her uterus is."

Lol your dad is the real MVP! Atleast he's still got the hots for your mum. Can't say the same for a lot of couples out there.


Then, with a deranged look, you replied, "Bro, don't get me started on how comfortable and spacious her uterus is."

Well, at least you know that your dad loves your mom! Lots of people, sadly, have divorced parents. That's pretty much all the good that comes out of this, though. Very awkward indeed.

Ramos808 29

I mean, at least he didn't say that about your ass.

Be glad your dad still likes your mom's ass.

"No, no I do not have to admit that."

Actually.... I wouldn't be surprised if my husband ends up saying that you one of our children one day. LMAO. But that does suck for you OP. I wouldn't want to hear that from my dad either.

1_Jew 15

You're alive because they had sex, he still thinks she's sexy. There's nothing wrong with that, he's in love with her. Let him be and all will be well lol. Granted its a little awkward but still it's sweet.

That's not the worst thing you could've heard