Agony Aunt

By Anonymous - 14/04/2023 21:00 - Canada - Dartmouth

Today, just because I have mental health issues doesn’t mean I’m the god of mental health issues. I don’t know everything. But everyone thinks I do. I want to help but it takes a piece out of me every time someone sends me someone hurting. Yes I help them, but it hurts me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 728
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say that you are an empath - You feel others pain more than most. That’s a good thing but too much exposure to other’s pain can be a burden… I am no psychologist, I have some degree of that myself. Stay away from narcissists (psychopaths/sociopaths) they can cause far more pain and trouble and are usually not what they appear. Most are talented liars and manipulators… OP, remember that you have to take care of your own mental health and survival first. If you don’t do that you cannot help others at all. Be sure to allow for your share of “me time” doing or thinking about things that bring you joy. But you will likely also find satisfaction when you can help others - Many times people just want someone to listen to them without criticism. Do not generally offer or “loan” money to people that “seem” to need it - that will just get you used.


I would say that you are an empath - You feel others pain more than most. That’s a good thing but too much exposure to other’s pain can be a burden… I am no psychologist, I have some degree of that myself. Stay away from narcissists (psychopaths/sociopaths) they can cause far more pain and trouble and are usually not what they appear. Most are talented liars and manipulators… OP, remember that you have to take care of your own mental health and survival first. If you don’t do that you cannot help others at all. Be sure to allow for your share of “me time” doing or thinking about things that bring you joy. But you will likely also find satisfaction when you can help others - Many times people just want someone to listen to them without criticism. Do not generally offer or “loan” money to people that “seem” to need it - that will just get you used.