Ability check

By not that kind of party - 11/06/2023 15:00

Today, our Dungeons & Dragons group has imploded. A member kept making inappropriate passes at me, even though he knows I’m married. Now my husband has been threatening to “wring his skinny little neck like a chicken” if he ever sees him again, and now the other members are calling my man a bully. FML
I agree, your life sucks 834
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It is strange that there are some places we allow rampant sexual harassment. High school is the worse and Hollywood/the filming industry in general is the second. Call this what it is. This guy is sexually harassing you and your husband stood up for you.

Do you really want to stay in a group that had no issue with the repeatedly unwanted passess, but that is threatening to fall apart because your husband had enough? Like, you do understand that if this guy ever goes beyond "inappropriate passes" (not saying that he would), that they'll blame you? They're currently showing you that.


Do you really want to stay in a group that had no issue with the repeatedly unwanted passess, but that is threatening to fall apart because your husband had enough? Like, you do understand that if this guy ever goes beyond "inappropriate passes" (not saying that he would), that they'll blame you? They're currently showing you that.

no but finding a DnD group is hard enough tbh

ODBeefalo 10

while I think it is a bad mindset this is the way most people think in this kind of toxic situation. "it's horrible, but I can't do better so I should suck it up.". DnD groups are hard to find in alot of places, but it isn't impossible and would be better long term IMO if the group won't handle the issue.

It is strange that there are some places we allow rampant sexual harassment. High school is the worse and Hollywood/the filming industry in general is the second. Call this what it is. This guy is sexually harassing you and your husband stood up for you.

Your husband’s right. Unwanted advances are never okay, whether you’re married or not. If you told the guy you’re not interested and asked him to stop, and he persisted, he’s the bully. Not to mention a total scumbag.

If the group won't kick your harasser out and puts up with him, you and your husband should leave and cut ties with everyone. They all sound toxic.

Oops, wrong dungeon. Can you point me to the one with the sex chairs? Thanks, much!