You're kidding me?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, after being stood up at a diner, I called the girl who was supposed to have met me. Turns out, she thought I was kidding when I asked her out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 663
You deserved it 3 343

Top comments

coolboy675 16

Sounds more like a poor excuse on her part since you did get a hold of her number?

She sounds like a bitch, you probably dodged a bullet there, OP.


Mr25_fml 14

Try again, but make sure she knows your serious. If she says no, then simply move on

The old Elvis "Return to Sender" advice, eh?

Exactly! In my mind, if someone purposefully stands someone up on a date, they're not going to answer their phone when said person calls... OP, if she seemed genuinely sorry, give her another shot, if not, well then it's better anyway! Single and ready to mmmiiinnggglllee!

DenBriZel 31

Oh man. OP that sucks! I'm sorry you had to go through that!

Ask her out again, and tell her you got tickets to her favorite concert. When the date doesn't happen, explain you thought she knew you were kidding.

Hmmmm, that's crazy So crazy it just might work......

carldaniel 6

that's the most devious plan I have ever heard

perdix 29

I wondering how you did ask her out. It's a pretty good strategy to ask a girl out in a joking way. That way, if you get rejected, it just is part of the joke. Here, we see the flaw of that strategy. I once joked with a girl I met that she should marry me because our last names were so similar, she could probably salvage her personalized stationery. I got jilted at the altar ;(

"Dinner in the diner, nothing could be finer (Then to have your ham and eggs in Carolina)"

Sorry bro next time be better for you good luck we have all been stood up!!!

We have? I've never been stood up. Nuh uh, not this little...err, floating goat.

iajm02 13

Wow that must of been the worst..

I thought the Netherzone was a good thing. ;)

well, at least there's food, right? *eats emotions*