By Anonymous - 06/03/2022 18:00 - Germany

Today, our deaf old dog not only barks for no reason while lying comfortably on her dog bed, lacking for nothing, she now also barks in her sleep. And not those dreamy little yips either; full barks, loud enough to be heard in the next room. Which is where I sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 848
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get her some hearing aids so she can realize how loud her barks are. Do I have to fix every problem here?

Baka Loli 10

They have medication for animals, such as CBD products that can help with soothing and calming them. It could help you're dog possibly sleep better throughout the night. Hope you're dog can sleep peacefully soon and both of you can get the sleep you need.


Get her some hearing aids so she can realize how loud her barks are. Do I have to fix every problem here?

Baka Loli 10

They have medication for animals, such as CBD products that can help with soothing and calming them. It could help you're dog possibly sleep better throughout the night. Hope you're dog can sleep peacefully soon and both of you can get the sleep you need.