Which part of pandemic don't you understand?

By Anonymous - 29/12/2020 23:02

Today, after quarantining for 2 weeks so I could spend Christmas with my parents, they went over to see a COVID hoaxer/Trump-supporting neighbor, and spent an hour inside with him, without wearing masks. I'm a nurse, working with cancer patients. They don't understand why I'm upset, and are angry that I'm leaving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 325
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are idiots... Wishing COVID were not real, and pretending that, doesn’t make it go away. OP, you did all you could do and for the right reasons. Kudos to you for that.

peithecelt 28

I want to know who said YDI on this one, so I can throw tomatoes at their hospital windows when they get sick.


Some people are idiots... Wishing COVID were not real, and pretending that, doesn’t make it go away. OP, you did all you could do and for the right reasons. Kudos to you for that.

🤦‍♂️🙄 Well at least you're not as stupid as they our. Thank You for risking your life and caring for others ☺️

peithecelt 28

I want to know who said YDI on this one, so I can throw tomatoes at their hospital windows when they get sick.

tounces7 27

Probably Covid Hoaxer/Trump supporting neighbors are saying YDI.

As a Trump supporter, I find your generalization upsetting because I've done everything I'm supposed to do. I want my vaccine and think everyone should. I've met a couple of "you guys" who are scared the government will chip them. One side is not any crazier than the other. Don't put us all in some obtuse category.

tounces7 27

Oh come on. You know damn well that the "Covid is fake" crowd is VASTLY more likely to be Trump supporters. Considering it was, in fact, Trump himself, who downplayed the virus for so long.

coius 23

How the hell do you support someone who is openly racist, a liar, a multi-time cheater, and someone who frequently says they are above the law. If you want to see if freedom in america is in threat, look no further than an orange idiot who is trying to suppress free speech in voting by asking a court to overturn a citizens democratically elected vote. This shit is like what happens in the congo, nigeria, ghana and any other country which steals elections by overriding the voting results to hold onto power. Very few times can i agree with what trump has done (overturning h1b visa abuse, stimulus checks of $2k) but targeted racism especially against immigrants, and praising white terrorists for what amounts to crimes against nature and citizens on-par with Al Qaeda, makes him a borderline dictator and psychopathic, and doesn’t make up for what tiny fraction he has done right. I’m atheist, but sometimes I wish there was a hell so he can go there. And any idiot who thinks that man is a christian might as well elect a satanist to be head of their church. They’d be more upright and morally standing than spray-tanned cheeto-in-chief.