By Emma - 01/08/2011 21:29 - United States

Today, while waiting at the park for my friend, an intoxicated tramp came up to me and asked me out. After I politely declined, he snatched the phone from my hand, threw it on the ground, screamed that I was a "two-timing whore", and staggered away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 111
You deserved it 3 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Halcyon3210 6

He's not a part of your system!

I like how you cheated on him without you guys actually being together.


lemonySnickets 0

that happened to me! only difference is that the person didnt grab my phone nd i think he was high off of cocaine or ice lol

she hands me her cell phone. says its my dad. this aint my dad. this is a cell phone. I took it. And threw it on the grooooooooound.

I always thought girls were sounds funny thinking of a tramp as a dude. That sucks op, you should go throw his phone and kick him in the nuts :)

Feedmyaddiction5 14

Personally I would be very mad. I would probably chase him down after breaking my phone.

Mikemeecha 2

don't let it get to you... he was drunk. :( lol!!

Well, that shows you that you're hot enough to make a guy want to ask you out at first sight... A drunk guy

Tobias5505 0