By Anonymous - 15/04/2015 22:52 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, while cleaning my desk I found a stray gumball. I quickly popped it into my mouth only to discover with horror that it was a paintball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 131
You deserved it 36 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't throw random shit in your mouth YDI

Who has a random gum ball or even a random paint ball on their desk?


Alas! Let yourself paint the streets with your tongue which bears the colour of your shame! Or balls, I don't judge.

Yakostovian 18

I had a friend once toss a paintball to me that he swears to this day he said paintball, but he really said gumball. Of course I naturally popped the "gumball" in my mouth, much to the same results you saw.

Why would you eat a random "gumball" in the first place?? Sorry but YDI

um why was there a paintball on your desk?

i put paintballs in my gumball machiene and pranked my sister with it lol dont worry it was prank paint and completely safe just nasty

First off, when was it ever a good idea to eat an old gumball anyways? Second, picking up random shit and eating it is just... ew. YDI.

Why? Just... why??? There's no excuse to why a grown man/woman should put an old, open, random piece of candy in your mouth. You seriously deserved that. Dummy

rabid_otaku 29